Thursday, July 26, 2007

AMEDEI LA TAVOLETTA 70% cacao - Made in Italy

This chocolate has a dull, smooth appearance with a dark brown color. The aroma is fresh and chocolaty. The snap is nice, loud and crisp and has a smooth gradient. The texture is harmonious with the even, dense and smoothness of the chocolate. It has a slow melt with a fresh, rich and sweet taste. The back taste picks up cherries and is citric. The aftertaste is nice and is lingering. This is a balanced chocolate that gets a 8.4 out of 10 in my book.

1 comment:

Debu's Blog said...


Please don't show the test of all these chocolates on the screen hereafter...please send some pieces to me....How can I stop myself to test it ?? .... nice info and article tooo.....